Proposals for the lifting bridge between Boscawen Park and Lighterage Quay in Newham, Truro, are now being considered by Cornwall Council’s planning authority.

You can make a real difference by expressing your support for the bridge in a comment on the planning application, reference PA24/05179, through the Council’s planning portal during the consultation period.  Please follow this link, where after registering you can leave a public comment, and can also view the documents submitted with the application. You can also share our social media posts to generate further support, and forward this newsletter to your contacts.

Public and consultee comments will be taken into consideration by the planning officer when deciding if planning permission should be granted.  Lots of public support will help the Strategic Planning Committee to take a supportive position, when it will consider the application later this year – once the consultation period has concluded and the planning officer has made their recommendation.

This planning application as part of the Town Deal Fund projects presents a once in a lifetime opportunity to realise the bridge vision as a landmark feature for Truro. Without the bridge, a Truro River Loop cannot be realised, and investment already made and proposed at Newham, Newham Trail, Boscawen Park and Malpas Road in support of the Truro Loops concept cannot realise its full potential. The bridge underpins significant elements of other projects at Boscawen, Malpas and Newham, and will link these together.

The bridge is the most popular project when the community are consulted, every time, in the place shaping discussions, face to face conversations, interest on social media and media coverage.  We have many people coming to our Truro Loops Hub at Boscawen Park asking about the bridge, and expressing their support – over a 1,000 people have visited us in the Hub since it was opened last year.  If you would like to learn more, please come and see us!