Support for the bridge has been very strong. As of the end of January this year 123 people have voted online of which the vast majority (106) are firmly in support. Just 17 have expressed reservations or objections and these comments / suggestions will be taken into account in the build process.

An information service is provided by volunteers from the Loops Room at Boscawen Park (next to the Café) on certain days/times of the week where all aspects can be discussed and the latest news shared. A number of people we have spoken to wanted to support the bridge project but were not comfortable engaging with the online process and chose to show their support by adding their names to a paper survey. So far 52 votes in favour have been recorded this way.

Total votes so far 158 in favour with just 17 objections – that is over 90% in favour!

The date of the Planning Committee Meeting is yet to be confirmed therefore there is still time for more votes or comments. You can make a real difference by expressing your support for the bridge in a comment on the planning application, reference PA24/05179, through the Council’s planning portal during the consultation period.  Please follow this link, where after registering you can leave a public comment, and can also view the documents submitted with the application.